Poker News!

Recent poker news!

responsibly spelled out on a wooden table surrounded by poker chips.

With gambling becoming more and more accessible in the US, the number of people who place bets live or online increases at warp speed. While some choose to visit brick-and-mortar venues and others prefer to play online using special poker bonuses, one thing is clear: last year has been one of the most profitable years for the gambling industry in the States.

Since gambling is becoming so popular, the American Gaming Association (AGA) set a goal of promoting safe and responsible gambling in 2024. What do the stats say? How many people are playing online or live casino games in the US? And do responsible gambling campaigns actually work? Let's find out what the AGA has to say!

Online Gambling is On the Rise

A new report published by the AGA reveals that commercial gaming revenue increased by 10.3% compared to the previous year. Most states with commercial casinos, online gaming platforms, and sports betting operators saw a rise in gaming revenue, generating $14.67 billion in direct gaming tax revenue.

According to surveys, 62% of Americans sat the gambled in the past year. It seems as if younger players are taking over the industry, with 69% of Gen Zers and 68% of millennials who participated in those surveys admitting to placing bets compared to 58% Gen Xers and 57% baby boomers doing so.

Why Responsible Gambling is So Important

Bill Miller, AGA President and CEO, stated: "As gaming expands, more communities than ever are benefiting. We are proud to create jobs across the country…"

But while the flourishing gambling industry does a lot of good, it also has the potential to harm those who are at risk of developing a gambling problem, especially since there are so many young and inexperienced players joining in on the fun.

That is why the AGA campaigns hard to promote responsible gambling. To make sure casinos and anyone interested in responsible gambling have the right tools to promote safe betting, the American Gaming Association developed a Responsible Gaming Intervention Effectiveness Scale with the help of Drs. Jonathan Ross Gilbert and Marla Stafford.

The RG-IES is designed to assess how responsible gambling messages impact the thoughts and feelings of gaming consumers, hoping it will be able to help casinos come up with meaningful messages that will resonate with players.

And apparently, the public appreciates the AGA's efforts to make the gambling industry a safer place for players. Surveys show that 65% of Americans believe the gaming industry is committed to combating problem gambling, with 81% of physical casino players and 88% of sports bettors agreeing with this sentiment.

Also, 66% of all Americans say they have encountered responsible gaming messages in the past year, with 46% of land-based casino players saying they noted an increase in safe betting messages.

Enjoy A Poker Session & Be Safe!

Here at Everygame, we firmly believe in the message the AGA is promoting. Responsible gambling is of the utmost importance to us, so we encourage all our players to think before placing real-money bets. Make sure you don't go over your budget as you play your favorite casino games and have a spectacular gambling session without putting yourself in harm's way.