If you are wondering whether you should start playing poker or not, or maybe if you've been playing for a while and you need a reminder of why this game is so great – this article is for you!
Poker is an extremely popular game. According to World Poker Tour officials, there are 100 million online poker players worldwide, with 60 million living in the US alone. And that's without taking into account those who play at live venues!
Usually, poker odds are pretty clear cut: some hands have higher chances of bringing you a win, while others are not worth the trouble of betting. There are plenty of Texas Hold'em cheat sheets that clearly show which hands you should fold, which include cards like 8-2 or J-3.
However, some high-ranked hands have the potential to outshine your opponents. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a top pair in their hands? But a strong hand doesn't automatically guarantee you a win, and sometimes you should still fold despite having a seemingly unbeatable hand.
Every time you play poker, whether it is live or online, you will meet a varied assortment of opponents: young and old, experienced pros and newbies, sharks and weak players.
If you do end up sitting at the Everygame poker tables alongside a couple of weak opponents, you have two goals: first, identifying the weakest link, and after that – figuring out how to exploit their inexperience to your advantage.
How can you clock a weak player and who is not? And should you flush them out straight off the bat or not? Follow our simple guide, and by the end of the night, you might find your wins have increased exponentially.
If you are no stranger to poker, you must know that this game is as demanding as it is exciting. To be able to play the game properly you must spend hours learning the rules, practicing different strategies, and trying to beat every opponent you face at the Everygame poker tables.
Since this game requires so much dedication, you must ask yourself: am I good enough at playing poker to actually spend so much time playing it? Or am I better off looking for a different extracurricular activity?
Poker has never been more accessible to players. With online gambling platforms popping up left and right, all you need to do is do a quick search, sign up at one of the many available venues, and have fun!
The rising number of online poker rooms means you can switch casinos at any given moment, so to keep you entertained and satisfied, casinos strive to provide you with the best bonuses and promotions. There are many different types of bonuses out there, but the Everygame no deposit bonuses are arguably the most lucrative.
Love is in the air and at the poker tables! This Valentine's Day, break away from your usual routine and try combining the two things you love most: spending time with people you adore while playing the game you can't get enough of!
A fun, energetic, and memorable poker night is exactly what you need to show your loved ones that you care deeply for them. If you want to plan the perfect evening this February 14, use our Everygame Valentine's guide to finding new ideas to celebrate a day that is all about love.
Imagine you've been playing poker for ages, and suddenly – you get your big break. After plenty of hard work, you win a humongous sum of money by playing Everygame poker, and your dreams finally come true!
We all crave for this scenario to play out in real life. But are you prepared for what comes next? Usually, poker players build their bankroll slowly but surely. However, winning a large amount of cash in a tournament or special poker event is not unheard of.
The question is, how do you react to the sudden appearance of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of dollars in your bank account? The risk of spending all your newly earned cash in a heartbeat is real, so be cautious.
With a winter storm heading towards the US, it is time to hunker down and enjoy the coziness of your own home as you wait it out. You can either have a movie marathon as you cuddle under the warmth of a thick blanket, play online poker games to spice things up and get the temperatures up a bit, or maybe combine both!
If you are prepared to try your luck placing bets online, remember that winter is usually the busiest online poker season. The worse the weather gets, the more people decide to spend their time online, and that includes some of the best poker platforms in the world.
To increase your chances of winning against that many players, here are a few tips that might keep you in the lead!
What is your main objective when you play Everygame Poker? While some enjoy playing poker simply for the fun experience, most players dream of making a real profit while having the time of their lives.
But as every experienced poker pro will tell you, generating profit from playing poker takes time, as you rarely get a chance to win a grand prize right off the bat. Most of the time, you need to take things easy and build your wins slowly but surely.
So, if you can't rely on winning big the first time you take a seat at the poker table, how much money do you need to start your poker journey? How can you ensure you won't run out of cash too early, nipping your dreams of turning pro in the bud?
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a hot commodity in many different industries. It is used for cybersecurity, online shopping, smart gadgets, and so much more.
So far, when artificial intelligence was mentioned in relation to poker, it was mostly to describe how AI machines mastered the game and are now able to beat the best of players. However, not many have talked about how one can use this advanced technology to become a stronger, more accurate poker player.
How can you use AI as you play your favorite Everygame poker games? Can you truly turn your poker play from average to spectacular with the help of this advanced technology?
At this time of year, everywhere you turn you will be bombarded with holiday spirit by the gallon. On TV you will find plenty of Christmas movies, whenever you step out of the house you will enjoy festive music and decorations, and even visiting the best online poker sites will give you access to special holiday promotions and events.
The special atmosphere can definitely be felt when you play poker online, and it changes the way people approach the game. How do the holidays affect online poker? And what can you do to make the most of those changes? With a few simple tips, you can enhance your poker experience as you enjoy the game you love in the upcoming weeks!
Some might argue that one of the best things about the Christmas holiday season is the abundance variety of seasonal movies you can watch with your friends and family. Every year, dozens of new Hallmark Christmas movies are released before the approaching holiday season, getting people all ready and excited.
But as you plan your Must-Watch list of movies for the season, maybe you should consider adding some Everygame-approved poker movies you should definitely give a try.
Starting as a holiday allowing people to give thanks for the blessing of the harvest, Thanksgiving has turned into so much more over the years. It is now celebrated by people in various countries, giving them an opportunity to spend time with family and friends and showing their gratitude for what they have in life.
While some think this holiday is meant for hunkering down and shutting off everything besides your family, others see it as the perfect opportunity to spread their wings and do something unexpected with their time off work. That includes going on a trip, hosting a party, and even playing online poker.
If you've ever read a poker guide or watched a tutorial on the subject, you've probably heard about how important it is to have a good strategy, how you must use proper tactics, and so on.
But what is the difference between strategies and tactics when it comes to poker games? How do you choose the best strategies and tactics to get you into the big leagues? This Everygame poker strategy guide might answer all your questions and lead you to victory!
Grinding at the poker tables – whether live or online – requires plenty of dedication and commitment. To become a truly successful poker player, you have to practice your crafts for hours on end, week after week, without losing focus.
Sounds hard? Only if you don't have something to motivate you. Motivation is a big part of becoming a devoted Everygame poker player, as this is what can give you the energy and willingness to trudge through the difficult times until you manage to turn a profit from placing bets.
If you are reading this, you are probably either A) already a fan of poker or B) contemplating whether this game is worth your time or not. If you fall under the first category, you might enjoy a few tips that will help you make the most of your online poker experience here at Everygame. But if you consider yourself as part of group B, this article might convince you that this game indeed deserves your attention!
So, how can you make absolutely sure that you have a spectacular adventure at the tables? After all, you can't always guarantee you will win, so how do you enjoy your experience to the best of your abilities without thinking about the possibility of losing?
Did you know that poker and slots are more connected than you might think? In fact, the first slot machines invented were actually poker machines. That's right, on the reels appeared the entire deck of cards – minus the 10 of hearts and the jack of spades to reduce the chances of getting a royal flush.
This small tidbit of information shows that even if at first glance, slots and poker look like two completely different games, they actually have a lot in common. That is why poker players are encouraged to try a round or two of Betsoft slots in between their poker sessions!
Still not convinced? Let's take a closer look at why poker players should definitely play slots every once in a while.
The closer Halloween approaches, the more you can feel the excitement in the air: spooky decorations pop up everywhere, people start planning their costumes, and generally, everyone seems more upbeat as the holiday draws nearer.
And while some might think Halloween is a kid's holiday, this special day has a lot to offer to everyone else as well! Plenty of parties, poker events, and fun activities will be at your disposal on October 31. In fact, Halloween is one of the best days for you to take a seat at a poker table and enjoy an eerie and memorable poker session. Want to find out why?
The perks that come with playing poker online – the accessibility, excitement, and high-quality entertainment – also come with some potential downfalls. One of the major issues online poker venues have been dealing with over the years is the appearance of poker bots.
Over the years, online gambling venues had to find a way to outsmart bots, which threatened their online casino login rates, and even utilize this controversial tool to make the online poker experience even more enjoyable. How have bots affected poker over the years? And what does the future hold?
Learning how to play poker is a bit like building a block tower: every poker tactic you learn adds another brick to the structure, until you have a solid strategy you can't easily tear down. One of those tactics you should learn is slow playing, which can be used while playing live or online poker – as long as you pick the right time to utilize it.
What is slow playing? When should you use this particular poker tactic? And what are some of the best tips that can help you make the most of slow playing at the tables?
The rising popularity of online poker in the past couple of decades had a great effect on how players perceive the game, as the online version of this card game is more accessible and has a more laid-back vibe to it. Players can easily have a seat at a virtual table while dressed in loungewear while having a sip of wine or nibbling on snacks.
But even though playing online is easy, many players still prefer to participate in live poker games from time to time. The excitement that can be felt at a brick-and-mortar poker room, the ability to socialize with your fellow players, and holding the cards in your hands is an experience you can't replicate while sitting in front of the screen.
You must have heard the phrase 'fake it till you make it' at some point in your life. But did you find it easy to follow this advice?
New beginnings are never easy. Whether you start on a new career path or you decide to try and take over the poker world, it is hard to face new challenges with complete confidence in your abilities. More often than not, feelings of confidence often come hand in hand with experience, which is hard to come by if you don't have faith in yourself.
For obvious reasons, the Summer Olympics have the entire world glued to the screens, watching all the best athletes in the world compete for a gold medal. Top sportsmen from different countries compete in well-known sports categories – like gymnastics and basketball – alongside some unfamiliar categories like climbing and archery.
However, traditional sports are not the only events that manage to attract the attention of the masses. In recent years, the popularity of the Olympic Esports Series has been on the rise, as more and more people view competitive e-gaming as a legitimate sport.
When you Google the top poker pros of this day and age, the lists will include successful players like Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, and Justin Bonomo. And what do those poker players have in common? Amongst other things, they all started playing poker at a young age.
While poker is generally considered an ageless game, as you can meet both younger adults (18+) and people way past retirement age at the poker table, those who want to turn the game into a profession seem to kick off their careers as early as possible.
Poker is a timeless game, is it not? The fact that players of all ages congregate around the same poker tables is proof of that. The fact that Gen Zers and Baby Boomers enjoy playing the same game shows that poker is the perfect game for anyone and everyone.
While the veterans of the poker world – like Daniel Negreanu and Phil Hellmuth - have managed to make a name for themselves already, new poker players are still fighting for recognition. Can the younger generation of poker impact the industry like their older counterparts? Which of the newest additions to the poker tables has the potential to become a star?
To all the extremely dedicated poker players out there, when was the last time you stopped to examine your priorities when it came to poker? Playing poker, like many other forms of gambling, can be all-consuming, monopolizing most of your spare time and taking over most of your waking thoughts.
The fact that you love the game is admirable, as your passion and dedication will surely get you far. However, it is still important to have a healthy poker\life balance so you will be able to enjoy a career in poker without suffering the negative effects of gambling.
Anyone who strives to master the art of poker, whether to turn the game into a profession or simply to better enjoy the challenges the game provides, needs to be able to analyze their play in order to fix any mistakes.
Being able to keep a cool mind and focus on what needs to change is not an easy task, but those who manage to do so often rise to the top rather quickly. If you are planning on playing Everygame poker mobile games in the near future, you should learn how to analyze your moves to get better with every bet you place!
Anyone who has been playing poker for a while knows that poker is a very intricate game. That is why learning the best poker game tips and tricks is so crucial if players want to succeed. Most poker strategies focus either on changing your own actions or teaching you how to understand your opponent.
Understanding poker ranges is important for utilizing both types of strategies, so if you want to become a better player, it is time for you to learn the basics of ranges in poker!
Whether you visit a live poker room or enjoy a hearty session online, to have a successful poker session you must always be aware of your opponents. Learning to observe your opponents at all times is a fine art, and even the best players find it difficult to figure out their competition from time to time.
However, there are certain behavioral cues one can learn to observe to become a better profiler at the poker tables, especially when it comes to poker tournaments, and our Everygame Poker guide is here to help you out!
Many of those who play poker recreationally secretly (or not so secretly) aspire to turn pro and turn their passion into a profession. However, the prospect of putting so much effort into getting better at poker without any guarantee that it will pay off can be rather daunting.
Anyone who wants to take poker more seriously needs to overcome different challenges – material and mental alike – to actually be able to succeed in the poker field. If you are contemplating going down this path but are unsure of your abilities to make a profit out of playing poker, take a look at some poker player success stories.
While Texas Hold'em is one of the most popular poker game variations out there, it is not the only one in existence. Each poker style has its own advantages and sometimes even disadvantages, so it is important to understand the differences between available poker variations. Once you figure out what each poker style is all about, you will be able to choose the variation most suited to your needs!
Are you ready to find out whether you should be playing the classic Texas Hold'em or try a different type of poker?
Safety comes first. That's the motto of every legitimate online poker venue, Everygame Poker included.
Over the years, the internet proved to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it provides you with countless opportunities to expand your horizons, making poker more accessible than ever. On the other hand, the web is also filled with scammers and fraudulent websites, so keeping your personal information is of the utmost importance.
Suppose you've been toying with the idea of playing poker for a while and finally decided to take the plunge, congratulations! You've made the right choice. Now, you just need to find the best way to learn the basics of the game so you will have smooth sailing as you start your poker journey.
Many people learn a lot from poker game tutorials on various platforms, but there are hundreds of websites and videos out there to choose from – so how do you know which tutorials are the best for you?
Have you ever wondered whether the top poker players in the industry, like Daniel Negreanu or Kristen Foxen, got to where they are simply due to hard work? Or is it possible that some people are born with very specific traits that turn them into spectacular poker players?
Over the years, scientists have tried to determine whether our personalities and predispositions are determined by our environment or our genetics. Is it possible that some people are simply born with what it takes to play poker for a living?
For a while there, Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies looked like a passing trend that would die down soon enough. And while the feverish excitement surrounding cryptocurrencies has certainly subsided a tad bit, blockchain tech has shown us it is here to stay.
At first, online gambling platforms began accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment - and that was impressive enough. But then, new platforms based entirely on blockchain technology began emerging, changing the way we see blockchain in online poker forever.
Let's be honest: anyone who plays poker, even recreationally, wants to win as much as possible. Yes, sometimes we tell ourselves that we simply want to enjoy the ride and have a fun experience, but deep down, we all harbor a secret fantasy that we might actually win a poker game or tournament.
If you are ready to admit that winning at poker is just as important as enjoying the game, you might benefit from learning some poker tournament strategies.
What word would you use to describe poker? While words like fun and exhilarating certainly come to mind, today, let's focus on one word: diversity. Not only do you have multiple poker variations you can choose to play, but you are also bound to meet different kinds of players at the tables as you place your bets.
For a long time, boomers, Gen-X, and millennials dominated the poker scene, but in recent years, more and more Gen-Z players have been joining the ranks of poker players. Each generation of players tends to approach the latest online poker games very differently, and it can affect the entire course of their poker career.
There are many different ways in which a person can learn a new skill. While some people prefer reading books and guides to get familiar with poker, others choose a more personal approach that includes watching professional poker player interviews to get a better understanding of the game.
If hearing and watching pro players analyze different poker moves is your cup of tea, interviews with the best poker professionals out there can help you become a better player yourself. Luckily for you, the web is full of different interviews that can teach you all about poker – from the history of the game to tournament tips you can use. Some of those interviews might be a bit long, but taking the time to watch them can prove to be the best thing you've ever done.
When you're learning how to play poker, you take into account two main things: the poker variant you prefer the most and whether you're going to play live or online. Playing poker online requires some adjustments to the strategy you build, as you don't have the luxury of using body language and human interactions to outsmart your opponents.
So, if you're planning on playing online rather than visiting land-based casinos, you need to think about which online poker strategies can help you become a better player. Here are three strategy tips you should take into account:
Tournaments are a huge part of the lucrative poker industry for multiple reasons: first, they provide players with the perfect opportunity to enjoy the game they love in an exhilarating setting. In addition to that, those events allow newbies and veteran players alike to test their skills, face off against all types of players, and learn a lot about the game – and themselves.
Dozens, if not hundreds, of poker tournaments take place every year, some of which are more popular and renowned than others. Even if you are still unprepared to join an event like that by yourself, keeping tabs on the latest poker tournament updates can help you get familiar with the ins and outs of poker in a heartbeat.
But which tournaments should you keep track of? That is what we're here to help you out with!
Imagine it's your first time at the poker table - here at Everygame Poker, or in your friend's living room. You're excited and ready to face any challenge, but bam! You fail... and fail hard. How would it affect your confidence? Will it change the way you play poker in days to come? The answer is probably 'yes'.
Many players who experience failure tend to change their playing style, while becoming more cautious and often developing predictable betting habits. Losing at poker can be disheartening, especially for a beginner. But letting it affect your entire poker strategy is unwise and unnecessary.
So, what can help you build your confidence while you play poker? And how can it affect your ability to use Everygame poker no deposit bonuses? It is time you find out how to boost your confidence to boost your poker wins.
When learning the ins and outs of poker, it is highly advised that you join a real game, live or online. Not only do you get to practice all the tactics and strategies you've learned, but real poker games also provide you with a chance to interact with fellow players.
If you want to feel that you are a part of the gang straight off the bat, learning to speak like a pro can help! Before you complete the Everygame login process, find out which poker terms can help you sound like a seasoned player.
Not all poker players choose an aggressive strategy, but those who do must understand when they should go all in and when to take a step back. Continuation bets – or C-bets – are a prime example of an aggressive playing method that should be used wisely if a player wants to make the most of available Everygame Poker no deposit bonuses.
By definition, C-bets are bets made on the flop by players who also raised pre-flop. Therefore, players continue raising the pot and being aggressive turn after turn. While this strategy might sound simple enough, it is important for you to understand exactly when and why you should use C-bets to your advantage. Are you ready to learn how to play like a pro?
Why is it that some poker players keep playing the game recreationally for the rest of their life while others get the privilege of turning poker into a career? To answer this question, all we need to do is take a look at some of the most successful players in the world and try to determine what made them special.
Bryn Kenney is one of those people: one of the most profitable poker players in the world, he managed to achieve astounding results in a relatively short period of time. What can we learn from Kenney about turning poker into a 24/7 job? And how can that help us best use our Everygame poker no deposit bonuses?
Do you consider yourself an observant person? Someone who pays attention to the smallest details and never misses anything? If you do, then you must think of how to utilize this personality trait to help you win more poker games.
Every multiplayer card game like poker, whether you play live or online, requires you pay attention to your surroundings. Analyzing every situation and looking at all the details might get you the big win you've been waiting for. But what does that really mean? How can you use your observational skill while playing Everygame casino login poker?
Once a year, when Thanksgiving is approaching, we are all reminded that no matter what challenges we face on a daily basis, there is always something to be grateful for. Expressing gratitude for the small things in life can help you adopt a healthy and optimistic view of life, which can help you become a better person – and a better poker player.
Before you sign in to enjoy the best Everygame casino login poker games, find out what we poker players have to be grateful for this year. And once you do, there is a decent chance you might win your next poker game with a dose of positivity!
When the leaves turn golden and temperatures drop, one of the most haunting holidays of the year comes around. Halloween gives us a chance to let loose, put on a costume, and pretend we're someone else for a night. But this holiday also has a darker side, dealing with mystical phenomena, spirits, and hauntings.
In the spirit of the holiday, not only do you get Everygame poker bonus codes, but you also receive a chance to learn how to deal with haunting hands from your past. Are you ready to learn how to let go of the past so you might become a better player?
Yes, poker is largely a game of skills, and learning the ins and outs of the game can lead you to success. However, there is an underlying component of luck you can't ignore: what kind of hole cards do you get? Will the community cards line up perfectly to help you create a winning combo?
If you want to draw more luck than ever before, you should try some popular New Year's traditions that can – supposedly - bring you luck as you play Everygame poker. Which traditions might you try to boost your luck this year?
On November 12, a special poker charity event will take place to raise money for Effective Autism Treatment Inc. – a non-profit organization designed to help families with children diagnosed with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder), and more.
In fact, that is one of many poker charity tournaments hosted this year, as it seems people find this casino game the perfect setting to promote generous donations from participants. What are poker charity events like? And why do they hold such an appeal for people? Before you complete the Everygame casino login process, find out what this game has to offer our society…other than a thrilling form of entertainment, of course.
Undoubtedly the most popular strategy associated with poker, bluffing is an important element of the game that all players strive to master. At first glance, bluffing might seem like a simple enough trick – you just lie and hope for the best, right? WRONG! Many of you might have tried bluffing time and time again, only to be caught red-handed repeatedly.
In which cases can your bluff be easily discovered? What is the right way to use this particular poker strategy? Before you complete the Everygame casino login process and place your bets, get acquainted with the art of bluffing and become a better poker player!
Playing poker on the latest iPhone or Android devices is as easy as looking up the bus schedule or firing-off a quick text. But can you imagine what playing poker looked like 20 years ago? And how about 50?
Playing Everygame mobile poker games seems like the most natural thing nowadays, thanks to the rapidly evolving technology that allows players to place bets at any time - and from anywhere.
Let's take a closer look at what gambling looked like in the past and try to understand how the latest tech changed the face of the poker industry.
The term FOMO – ala, fear of missing out – entered our lives as social media became more popular around the world. And while the original term solely touched on social anxieties, it can also be used to describe irrational fears in other fields, like poker.
According to specialists, FOMO includes two processes: the perception of missing out on something important, followed by a compulsive behavior to avoid missing out at all costs. When it comes to playing Everygame poker games, some players might feel the need to play every hand they get, just in case it might win even if the odds aren't in their favor.
Learn more about FOMO and how you can deal with it to become a successful poker player!
On August 21, we celebrated the national Internet Self-Care Day, designed to remind us that taking care of our mind and body is of the utmost importance. Every person should find a way to reduce their stress levels and cut loose every once in a while, and for some people, playing poker games online can do just that!
Those of you who take your health seriously should learn how to utilize accessible tools like the internet to improve your lifestyle. And as part of your endeavor, you should consider the benefits of playing poker. Online poker has the ability to transport you to a completely different world than your own, allowing you to put aside your troubles for a few hours.
Are you ready to learn more about how to use the internet for self-care?
Did you know that poker has been around since 1829? And that the game we are familiar with today was developed in New Orleans by French settlers? Poker has a rich and interesting history, some of it relatively mundane, but the game has some fun and unexpected sides to it as well.
If you are planning on using online poker sign up bonuses sooner rather than later, you've probably already learned everything you can about the game's rules and possible tactics you can use. But while knowing the basics of the game is enough to get you through a gambling session, learning about the game's history and fun side can add an unexpected dimension of enjoyment to your experience!
To get you into the right frame of mind before you place your online poker bets, we've gathered some of the most interesting and entertaining poker facts you might appreciate.
Poker fans usually fall under one of the following categories: those who love the game and want to experience the excitement firsthand and those who prefer to watch from a distance. Many poker enthusiasts follow the best players and the most popular tournaments to get their daily poker fix without taking much risk.
But even if you choose not to place your own chips in the line of fire, that doesn't mean you can't have a thrilling adventure as a spectator. In fact, you can feel like you're a part of all the live and online poker games you watch with one simple thing: prop bets. What are prop bets? And how can they make your poker experience all the more exciting even without requiring you to learn poker rules?
Have you ever wondered how popular poker really is? While it is hard to determine how many people play poker around the world, some believe there are at least 120 million players playing online poker alone.
The fact that so many people play the popular and iconic game means two things: a) you have an endless pool of opponents to play against, and b) you have a big community to rely on when necessary.
If you immerse yourself in the local poker scene or an online poker community, every poker session will feel as if you're playing poker online with friends. However, the fun experience of playing against people you consider your mates is not the only perk of being a part of this ever-growing community. Find out what you can gain from relying on your fellow poker players NOW!
Poker is a magical game. It can have a positive effect on our mood, our self-esteem, and our executive functions. But can it actually affect our health? And specifically, can it change the way our brain processes chronic pain?
Over the years, multiple studies strived to determine whether playing video games can be beneficial to dealing with health issues such as managing pain. What were the results of those studies? And does that mean that you can play poker online with real money and enjoy the same benefits? Those are the questions we will try to answer today.
What helps good poker players turn into great ones? Being the intricate game that it is, mastering poker requires a lot more than just knowing the basic rules. You must be in the right frame of mind and temperament to deal with the psychological stress that accompanies live and online poker games. But can you really control your reactions as you play this challenging casino game?
For many, many decades, behavioral scientists have been trying to determine whether it is education or our genetic predispositions that determine our character as we grow up. Answering this question can help poker players understand whether they have any say in how they behave at the poker tables, which is a crucial part of becoming a professional player.
Are you ready to find out whether your genetics overshadow your acquired behavioral traits as you play the game you love?
Omaha and Texas Hold'em might be the most popular poker variants, but they are certainly not the only gambling options for those who want to enjoy something less mainstream. In recent years, 3 Card Poker has become increasingly more renowned, and for good reason!
If you are curious about what other poker variations might suit you and are willing to experiment with a new online poker game, you should learn as much as possible about three-card poker!
When tournament season begins, most poker players have one thing on their mind: who will be the last player standing? And while the experience of participating in a live event or a tournament poker online game can be exhilarating and mind-blowing, it can also put a lot of stress on one's psyche, and not everyone can handle that.
Handling yourself at the tables for a long stretch of time requires some preparation, both physically and mentally. If you approach the games in the right mindset, you might be able to outlast all of your opponents and remain in the game till you burst the bubble.
Follow the advice of the experts and do your best to keep your seat in the next tournament you join!
The past few years have been quite prolific for the crypto industry. Even though the value of the most popular cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, fluctuates from time to time, the changes aren't dramatic enough to prevent people from using this payment method to conduct business and to play crypto poker online.
And while it seems that the popularity of online crypto casinos is on the rise, the US government shared some concerns about this specific payment method. While the anonymity and the reduced amount of bureaucracy are what attract the attention of the masses, officials believe that this transaction option should be better monitored. What does that mean for the future of blockchain poker? Let's take a look at the latest developments.
Being sure of your abilities is a good trait when it comes to poker players, but overconfidence can lead to unfavorable outcomes. At one point or another, most poker players placed bets on weak hands, without thinking about the consequences. And while it is not as crucial when you play a poker game online for free, things can get more serious when there is actual money on the line.
Defending a weak hand might not be ideal for newbies and seasoned players alike – but fortunately, it is not the end of the world. If you follow a few simple rules, you might get yourself out of any bind with minimal risk. Are you ready to play online poker for fun and win some cash in the process?
The ultimate dilemma facing new poker players is whether they should play poker for real money or for free. There are pros and cons to both options, but most people talk in length about why it is crucial to participate in cash games. However, not many address the issue of playing a poker game online for free and why it is important as well.
Some might say there is no reason to talk about the pros of free poker play, as the word 'free' explains everything with the need to elaborate. And while it is always nice to get free stuff, there are many other reasons why some experts recommend you try free poker before you move on to real money games.
Find out why you should try the cash-less version of the game and what your playing style should look like as you enjoy exploring the game!
Omaha, 7-Card Stud, Chinese Poker – many different poker variants of the game exist out there, and they all have fun and exciting features. But none of those variants is as popular as Texas Hold'em poker – a game you can find on most online poker platforms.
Why is Texas Hold'em so popular? What makes this game stand out so dramatically? Find out everything you need to know about the game before you test the waters by yourself!
Have you been dreaming about sitting at the poker table in a prestigious casino, sipping on a glass of Champaign, and watching your stack of chips grow?
Is your love for poker still in its dreaming phase, and you find yourself unable to turn fantasy into reality?
Sometimes, the prospect of starting to play poker can seem a bit daunting, but if you take the time to learn the poker basics, you have nothing to worry about!
Now, the question is, how much should you learn before you can take the training wheels off? How long should it take you to turn from a complete newbie into a pro? Find out what you must do to get your poker knowledge to a decent level that will allow you to win games.
You know a game is perfect for you when absolutely anyone can enjoy it. You've never played poker before? No worries, you can start your journey by playing low-stakes games.
And if you have years of experience under your belt? There are plenty of venues that can still challenge you.
And even more exciting, before you truly commit to the game, you can decide whether you want to test the waters for free or place real money bets.
If you are new to poker, do you know what are the pros and cons of both options? And which option should you choose? Find out whether now is the right time for you to play online poker real money games!
Whenever you visit an online poker venue, the first thing you are introduced to is the selection of bonuses in store for you. What were your thoughts when you first encountered online poker bonuses? Were you excited or suspicious about them? Most players have ambivalent feelings when it comes to bonuses, as they often seem like a double-edged sword.
Some players believe that bonuses are a scam designed to increase the poker rooms' profits, while others see it as a great opportunity to get familiar with the available games with minimal risk. Well, in reality, both assumptions are true! Some of the best online poker bonuses out there create a win-win situation, allowing both the player and the venue to profit from the situation.
Now, the main question is, how do you know what constitutes a good poker bonus? And how can you make the most of all the bonuses and promotions out there? We are here to help you learn how to maximize your wins with the best poker bonuses on the web!
The headlines tell the simple facts, but they cannot tell even the smallest fraction of the complete Doyle Brunson story. Doyle Brunson was known as the Godfather of Poker. He published a super book on poker called Super System and a revised edition called Super System II. He won ten WSOP belts. And still the story of who Doyle Brunson was and became requires a deeper dive into his persona, one that is likely never to be seen again.
Everygame Poker extends our condolences to the extended Brunson family. The poker world has certainly lost a giant.
When you first start playing poker, there are many decisions to be made: which poker variant should you choose? Where should you play? Is online poker better than live games?
In the beginning, most players choose a widely popular poker variant like Texas Hold'em and enjoy the game on conventional platforms, unaware of the existence of more diverse options like Sit and Go tournaments.
What are Sit N' Go poker games? And why should you even give them a try? Find out the answers to those questions and you might find your next challenge!
You've learned the basic poker rules. You've practiced enough. But for some reason, you can't get the hang of things. Sounds familiar? From time to time, many players find themselves unable to figure out the secret of how to win more at the poker rooms – whether they are live or online.
There's a national day for every possible occasion on the planet: in April alone, you can celebrate National Cheese Ball Day, National Garlic Day, and even National Librarian Day. Each day reminds us to have fun and enjoy the small things in life. So, on April 19, you get to celebrate National Poker US Day!
Find out what this day is all about, who started it all, and why – before you go out there and place some bets to enjoy this year's National Poker Day.
Valentine's Day, arguably the most romantic day of the year, is an exciting day for many. But those who don't celebrate this day with flowers and champagne can make the most of Singles Appreciation Day in many different ways.
Have you heard about poker non-stop, and you're curious what all the fuss is about? Are you looking for a new hobby to pass your time? Learning how to play poker might seem like a bit of a challenge, but if you play your cards right, you can learn to play the game in record time.
When you learn how to play poker, it is always useful to learn which strategies you should employ in different scenarios. But it is just as important to learn what NOT to do in order to reduce your chances of losing large sums of money.
Why is it such a big risk to play poker opposite an alligator? You might lose a hand.
Who doesn't like hearing a good joke here and there? When the joke is really funny, it can easily lift up your spirits, and if it touches on the subject of online poker – it can do more than that!
A new year means brand new resolutions. What do you wish to focus on in 2023? Improving your poker technique? Or maybe getting out of the box and joining new events and tournaments? No matter what your New Year's resolutions are, you should add one more to the list: maintaining your health as you play poker online.
When you first start playing online poker, it is very easy to form some bad habits that can hinder your ability to reach your full potential in the future. But if you manage to avoid those habits in the first place, you might be able to save yourself some grief!
Most poker hands have unique and quirky nicknames, all based on the cards' resemblance to iconic figures, songs, or even specific objects. Snowmen, for example, is a nickname given to an 8-8 card combo, as those numbers look just like a pair of snow globes.
It's that time of year again. The holiday season is getting near, and you can practically feel the anticipation in the air. While December is often a hectic month, filled with lots of present shopping and holiday preparations, it is also an exciting time with lots of opportunities to rake poker wins.
Since poker is generally considered a game of skill (mixed in with a decent amount of luck), it is believed that plenty of practice can turn you into a success story. But is it truly enough if you want to play poker online and win constantly?
You've been playing poker recreationally for a while. The rules of the game start to make sense, you pick up a few tricks and strategies, and you begin winning steadily. That's when you might feel the itch to take your poker activities to the next level - and it is normal! The question is, are you ready for it?
When Thanksgiving rolls in, we have a chance to take a closer look at our lives and say thanks for all the good things we were blessed with. Learning how to express gratitude is important in all aspects of our lives, including when it comes to poker.
When players first start learning the ins and outs of poker, they are often encouraged to learn the rules, do the math, and be very analytical in order to be successful poker pros. From the sound of it, you might get the impression that playing poker online is only suitable for those with a very calculated frame of mind. But in reality, there is so much more to poker!
Poker is a highly diverse game, as there are multiple variations of the game you can play at any given moment. However, some of those poker styles can be highly complicated, and unsuitable for those who are only beginning to explore the online poker world.
Halloween is all about mystery, mischief, and of course – fun. On the night when the lines between the spirit world and the real world are blurred, there is nothing more exciting you can do other than put on your costumes and enjoy a bone-chilling online poker session!
Dealing with a bad beat in poker is not easy. Imagine the excitement you feel when a pair of cards almost guarantees a win – and you lose to a weaker hand.
Experiencing disappointment when you don't rake poker wins can be devastating in the short run, but it can also affect you in the long run if you don't deal with your emotions correctly.
Turning into a poker pro is not an easy task. You need to move up the poker ladder slowly and methodically, raising the stakes whenever you're ready to face new challenges. Sounds easy, right? Most players understand that prudence is required, especially if you want to place bigger bets, but how do you know when the time is right to move forward?
When thinking of poker books, most players conjure up the image of specific manuals or strategy books that helped them become better at playing poker online. But the selection of poker-related literature is much richer than that, as there are plenty of novels and biographies that can give you an insight into the poker world.
Like it or not, learning poker rules and practicing for hours on end won't guarantee you a win. Many different things can affect the outcome of your poker session: the type of players you compete against, the cards you get, and the stakes involved.
In the movies, drinking and gambling often come hand in hand. And indeed, when poker is perceived as a fun recreational activity, what can help you relax and enjoy the experience more? Well, many people will say that alcohol is the perfect answer in this scenario.
The game begins. Excitement is in the air. The hole cards have been distributed, and you've reached the flop. That's when you have to make the toughest decision: should you fold? Maybe making a conservative bet is for the best? Or should you go all out?
How do you prefer to sharpen your poker skills? Some players prefer to read poker guides, while others like to watch others play and learn from them. Watching grand masters like Phil Hellmuth, Stephen Chidwick, and Daniel Negreanu in action can help you better understand what to do – and what not to do – at the poker table.
To help you learn more about the game, we're here to remind you of some interesting poker moments that can teach you a lot about the game. Let's call it the Everygame Poker Hall of Fame, where you can expand your poker knowledge and become a better player!
Summer is the perfect time to take a break and go on vacation, but does it mean you must stop playing poker online when you're out there enjoying yourself? Certainly not!
There are two ways for you to enjoy poker while you're on vacation: either you travel to a location known for its land-based casinos or you pack up your laptop and play from anywhere.
We all know that waking up on the wrong side of the bed can set the tone for the entire day. If your morning is overflowing with frustration and dejection, your chances of being productive later in the day become slim. But if you manage to begin the day with a positive attitude, your chances of being successful as you play poker online increase exponentially.
We see them on the screen, on stage, and featured in paparazzi shots. But have you ever seen any celebrities at the poker tables? Neymar Jr., who was spotted at a few of the latest WSOP events, is the latest celeb to grace poker venues with his presence. But he is not the first to do so and is certainly not the last!
Online gaming might be more popular than ever, but some people still have a deep mistrust of automated games. Believing that the house always has the edge, thus causing them to lose, causes players to refrain from playing online poker.
When you hear the word grinder, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of a dating app, an electronic device, or a poker term? If you immediately think of the latter, congratulations: there's no doubt you're a major poker fan. But does that mean that you actually know what this poker term means?
We've all felt that we don't belong at some point in our lives. That we're out of our depths. That we don't know what we're doing. If you constantly doubt yourself and your abilities, you might be experiencing Imposter Syndrome. But what if we told you that playing poker online can help you deal with this syndrome and change your state of mind?
We often talk about how playing poker online can teach you a lot about how to handle yourself in business and life in general. But have you ever heard of any poker pros making the transition from a poker venue to a conference room? Probably not.
When you sit at a poker table, do you know who you're playing against? Many players believe that in addition to eliminating their competition, they have to beat the house if they want to have a successful poker session. And they are not entirely wrong!
Online poker tournaments provide players with an exciting and unforgettable opportunity to practice their skills and increase their wins. But navigating those tournaments is not as easy as you might think!
After learning the rules of the game, practicing for hours on end, and playing poker online as much as possible – there is nothing more satisfying than winning big. It is always fun for your efforts and dedication to pay off, so when players get a major win, there is one thing to do: celebrate.
Most players choose to play poker online for one of two reasons: to have fun and make a profit. But sometimes, you get more than what you've bargained for – in a good way. When you play poker, you get to learn about life and mostly about yourself, even if that wasn't your primary intention.
Some starting hands are a player's biggest dream, as hole cards like AA and AK have the potential to create a killer hand. But some cards, while looking rather promising, are actually overrated.
Every player gets excited when getting a pair of aces or even two kings since those cards are of high value. But when they get seemingly weaker combinations, disappointment sets in. But it turns out there not all lesser combinations are that bad! There are many underrated online poker hands that might look unappealing at first, but they can actually help you create a pretty powerful hand combination.
If you find yourself constantly losing when playing poker online, you must ask yourself: why? What am I doing wrong? New players, and even veteran poker pros, sometimes make mistakes that will take down even the most experienced player.
What is your favorite poker variant? Do you prefer to play No-Limit Texas Hold'em? Or maybe Omaha Hi is more suitable? More often than not, players focus on a single poker variant to master as they play poker online. However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to try out a new variant from time to time. In fact, expanding your horizons can prove to be rather beneficial.
Playing poker online is not only about learning the game's rules and strategies. It's also about control: controlling your emotions and being on top of the game every step of the way. But how can you get into the right mindset to master this side of poker? Some players will tell you that mindful breathing is the answer.
It has been more than three weeks since the war between Russia and Ukraine ignited, and as the humanitarian crisis deepens – the world is trying to help those in need. And this time, the global poker community is striving to assist in any way it can by raising awareness and money to help Ukrainian refugees.
Playing poker is fun. And when you play with friends and family? Even better! But even though poker night can be really exciting, it can also turn into a complete mess if you don't follow poker etiquette.
Humans are creatures of habit. Most people have a favorite dish they eat regularly, a specific music genre they listen to, and an evening routine that helps them wind down. We all stick to certain patterns in various aspects of our lives, and that often includes our online poker play.
Should I check or raise? Is it better for me to stay true to my cards or bluff? Every decision you make as you play online poker is affected by one main thing: how much risk you're willing to take.
A winning streak is every poker player's dream. Players who win one poker match after another often feel extremely lucky, but apparently – luck might have nothing to do with a successful poker session!
Three main actions are involved in playing poker online: checking, raising, and folding. Knowing when to go down each route is an art, and it might take you years to develop the instincts required to make the right decisions.
Playing poker online can be fun, thrilling, and even educational. But while you can greatly benefit from playing the game, you have to make sure it doesn't compromise your physical or mental health.
While a poker rake is an inevitable part of the game, it's not always as bad of an obstacle as it might seem. Yes, online poker venues will always charge you a small fee, so the casino will be able to make a profit. But that doesn't mean you have to lose a lot of money in the process!
Every poker pro who has been inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame has done some great things in his (or her) career. And now that Eli Elezra has joined this exclusive club, it is time to take a look at what he has achieved in recent years. What can we learn from his story? Can it help us better use bonus codes and increase our wins?
Some casino games, like online slots, are 100% luck-based. But poker and similar table games require some level of skill. For decades, people have been discussing what affects poker more: luck or skill? And finally, the long-coveted answer is in!
When do you get to play poker online? First thing in the morning, or later in the day, after you get off work? Most recreational players have jobs and other responsibilities they have to prioritize, which means they can enjoy the exciting game only after a long day of work or on weekends.
The type of people that congregate at the poker tables is always diverse. Players of all ages, ethnicities, and genders meet online to enjoy a good poker session. And understandably, each of those players has a different level of experience when it comes to poker.
The holiday season is the best time to place bets and have a fun adventure online. But having more time to play the game is not the only good thing about the upcoming festivities! With the approaching holidays come jolly new promotions and bonus codes, which can add even more sugar and spice to your gambling session.
If you've been playing poker for a while, you must have heard the word 'rake' come up every once in a while. But even though many players know about the existence of a house rake, and they even use poker rake calculators – not many understand how things work.
For many of us, January means a new beginning. A fresh start. As we tear the last page of the 2021 calendar, we greet the new year with enthusiasm, as we hope the next 12 months will be much better – both in real life and as we play poker online.
For a while there, when the daily number of new COVID cases in the US was relatively low, land-based poker rooms reopened, and fans of the game were ecstatic! Experts believed that online poker login rates would go down because of this, but the numbers tell a very different story.
Poker can be a truly captivating game, and you might find yourself enjoying one poker download game after the other for hours on end. But sometimes, playing for too long can be counterproductive to your goals.
While winning every poker session is every player's dream, but it is not always possible. Even the toughest and most successful pros out there have had some bad losses throughout their career.
When you play poker online, you are bound to encounter all types of promotions and bonuses: welcome offers, match bonuses, and many unique prizes.
There are two things poker pros aspire to get: major cash wins and recognition. And those who manage to make a name for themselves at the best poker sites are crowned as the most influential poker players in the industry.
Playing poker live, at an online venue, or by using poker download software can provide you with vastly different gambling experiences. But there is one thing that will never change, no matter where you place your bets: the strength of your poker hands.
Online poker is for everyone. Young and old, experienced pros and beginners. But while the game is pretty straightforward and easy to understand, new players might get confused by the technical details of online poker.
Poker online tournaments are often the most entertaining and lucrative gambling options players can enjoy these days. The diverse selection of players, the lucrative prize pools, and the dynamic atmosphere turn tournaments into a great adventure you simply can't miss.
Playing poker online and offline requires a lot of preparation, both mentally and professionally. Everyone knows that to get to a pro poker level, you have to learn different strategies and tactics. But what about mental preparation? What exactly does it entail?
Many poker players dream of the day they might have the chance to turn their passion into a career. And those who are brave enough to set out on the journey of becoming a poker pro must make some very important decisions to increase their chances of making an actual profit.
Learning new poker skills is not easy. It requires patience, dedication, and a lot of focus. But even though getting better at poker takes time, most players approach the challenge with grace and motivation, as it can help them win more often and enjoy poker no deposit bonuses.
It has recently been announced that a new poker documentary will hit our screens soon, giving us a glimpse of Doyle Brunson's life as a poker legend. But since this movie isn't available yet, what other documentaries can you watch to learn more about live poker and poker download games?
When your pocket cards are comprised of two A's, consecutive cards, or cards of the same suit – you have a chance of creating a pretty strong hand. But while many poker hand combinations seem very promising at first, one wrong decision can reduce their worth in an instant.
To some people, online poker seems to be a simple and straightforward affair: you log into your account, place your bets, and have fun. However, those who strive to have an unforgettable gambling session put much more thought into the process.
Poker has a rich and mesmerizing history, as this game has been played by fand for centuries. Over the years, an entire poker culture has evolved and became a part of modern society. With the help of epic legends, surprising myths, and memorable quotes – poker became something more than just a game.
Playing poker online presents us with unique opportunities we won't get at a land-based casino, the main one being casino promotions. There are many different promotions you can find. Poker no deposit bonuses, match prizes, and free tournament tickets are only the start.
In business, monetary incentives are used to motivate employees to reach their work-related goals. Who doesn't like to get cash for a job well done? But in poker, luckily, you don't have to do much to enjoy such incentives.
Sometimes, it doesn't matter how good you are at playing mobile poker – you are bound to lose from time to time. Even if you have a strong hand and you do everything by the book, your opponent can still get the upper hand and win the pot.
Poker is considered a game of skill for many reasons. Not only does it require adequate knowledge of the games' rules and playing tactics, but it also confronts the players with an unpredictable factor: their opponents.
Some choose to play online poker to make money, while others just want to enjoy the game while losing as little as possible. Either way, players are always looking for the best ways to increase their profits and decrease risk when placing real money bets.
Online gambling has been on the rise in the past few years, but ever since Covid-19 hit – it practically skyrocketed. Virtual sports betting, poker download games, and online slots became the main source of entertainment for many people stuck at home.
To become the best poker player possible, you need to take care of your mind and body. Changing your sleeping patterns, working out, and making sure you're happy are all important if you want to ace your next poker online session.
Advanced poker strategies teach you how to react in any given situation: what to do post-flop, how to lure your opponents into placing bets on the turn and river, how to make everyone believe you have a flush poker combination, and so much more.
Poker has been featured in plenty of movies. Molly's Game, Mississippi Grind, and Casino Royale are only a few examples of popular poker-related movies you can always watch. But even though live and online poker has been featured on the big screen many times before, the small screen hasn't seen a lot of poker action.
Whenever poker players want to spice things up, they look for relevant promotions to add some excitement to their poker session. Extra cash prizes, poker no deposit bonuses, and other promos help them do just that. But why are those bonuses so enticing to poker players?
To step up your game when you play poker online, you need to be focused. Cautious. And even cunning at times. If you want to win big and make the most of poker promotions, you need to know how to outsmart your opponents and ensure they won't be able to trick you in return.
Getting a solid pair of hole cards is every poker player's dream. If you get two kings or aces, you know that your chances of winning are rather high – with or without the help of poker welcome bonuses.
Playing poker online can be rather exciting, as it can evoke some unexpected reactions from the new and seasoned players alike. Some players lose their composure when they face a challenging game, while others discover they thrive under pressure.
To be a good poker player, you need to learn useful tricks and develop unique strategies. But to be a spectacular poker pro, you need to be emotionally involved when you play online poker.
Winning is a big part of playing poker online, which is why people would do almost anything to ensure their success. Some players will learn everything about the game to try and win fair and square, while others are willing to use nefarious methods to get a flush poker win.
In every old-school movie featuring a poker scene, at least one payer sits at the table with a cigar in his hand. In many cases, smoking is regarded as an activity that can help you look calm and cool, therefore being an asset for poker players.
Throughout our lives, we learn that what we wear affects the first impression we create and the way others react to our presence. Mostly, people see clothes as a means to express their personality. They rarely take into account the countless ways their attire can affect and change their behavior.
Your ability to play online poker can be affected by multiple external factors we're all familiar with. That includes the weather, your mood, eating and sleeping habits, etc.
In the past couple of decades, society has progressed a lot in terms of gender equality. However, there is still no denying the fact that men and women differ from each other – biologically and behaviorally.
When you play online poker, planning to make the most of available poker promotions, reading your opponent is not easy. As you rarely see your actual opponents, you can't rely on analyzing body language to determine whether you should fold or stay in the game.
Poker players work long and hard to get better at the game, sometimes dedicating years – and even decades – to learning new poker strategies. Everyone is looking for the ultimate guide that can help them win more often and use poker no deposit bonuses to their advantage.
The role we play in society can affect different aspects of our lives - from work opportunities to how we play poker online. Are you a loner or a social person? An introvert or extrovert?
Problem-solving, concentration, and quick thinking. Those are some of the traits most poker guides will help you develop before you play poker online. But for some reason, not many guides address one key element required to master online poker: good memory.
For many years, the online poker industry was mostly male dominated. All poker ambassadors, coaches, and renowned pros were men.
Mastering the art of poker requires far more than learning the game's rules and practicing days on end. To become great at the game, you also need to be in the right frame of mind.
Making a profit while playing poker online is not easy – but it is doable. First and foremost, you need to master the game to increase your chances of winning. But there are other tips and tricks that might help you boost your wins with very little effort on your part.
Although spectacular, flashy wins sound like a poker player's biggest dream, there is one thing that pros desire even more: consistency.
Not all players are born with an aggressive disposition, but to become better at the game, they must learn how to become more assertive as they place bets.
Many poker players live and breathe online poker 24/7. And while this kind of approach can help you become a spectacular poker pro - it can also wear you out. If you don't enjoy poker as much as you used to. If you get unfocused and distracted when playing – taking a break from the game can prove to be your best move.
Over the years, scientists tested the effects sleep has on our bodily and mental functions. If you don't get enough hours of sleep, it will undoubtedly affect your ability to maximize profits with flush poker combinations.
What does getting better at poker mean to you? When faced with this question, many players believe that you must learn and employ as many new tactics as possible to master poker. Players with this mindset think that the more complex your poker play is – the more you can benefit from poker no deposit bonuses.
In recent months, we've heard all about Doug Polk's grudge match with Daniel Negreanu, and his dominance at the online poker table. But while the poker community admired the pro's skills, not many players are familiar with Polk's history.
Many poker players, especially those who want to turn pro, invest a lot into mastering the game. They strive to approach each poker game with the utmost seriousness, to perfect their poker play and turn into the best players possible.
One of the main rules of playing online poker requires that you remain as objective and as focused as possible every single game. That means you must let go of any preconceived notions you might have – but that's easier said than done.
What happens when the best online poker players battle one another regularly? That is what the Galfond challenge was meant to find out. But while this challenge, which managed to keep us entertained for months, is fascinating all on its own – the man behind it is even more intriguing.
Many poker players often imagine that becoming a professional player is the most glamorous thing in the world. They dream of major wins, flexible hours, an exhilarating atmosphere, and a posh lifestyle.
You can achieve greatness while playing poker by learning new techniques, developing strategies, and practicing as much as possible. Blocking bets can be quite a useful tool that can help you increase wins and make the most of poker bonuses – as long as you understand how to use it correctly.
To master the art of poker, you have to be willing to take some risks and have faith in the value of your hand – even if it's not a flush poker combo. And what can be riskier – and potentially highly lucrative – than going all-in?
Sit and Go (aka SNG) tournaments are becoming more and more popular with each year. Thousands of players at the best poker sites choose this fast-paced and all-accessible poker variation when they want a quick and exciting game with a fixed prize pool.
There is this exciting moment - right before you're handed your hole cards - when you hope with all your heart to have a highly successful hand. And what can be better than getting an ace or two?
While more and more women become involved in poker events every year, there are still very few female pros competing in major events and getting the recognition they deserve.
Everyone knows that bluffing is a major part of poker. But is semi-bluffing as effective? Can it help you win more cash as you make the most of poker welcome bonuses?
Straight, full house, royal flush – those are some of the most popular and talked-about hands in poker. But there are dozens of card combinations that might be less profitable, but they still have exciting stories attached to them.
Throughout their careers, poker players get different awards, cash prizes, and sparkly trophies. But what most players want is recognition for their abilities, which is why offline and online poker players dream of being inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame.
In the past, finding a gift for poker players was not a hard task. You could go to the nearest store and find a poker-related gift with minimal effort. But nowadays, as most players can't enjoy live poker anymore, what kind of presents can they find useful?
People often debate the question of when the best time is to play online poker. In the past, we explained why people prefer to use poker no deposit bonuses during winter months (spoiler alert: there is little else they can do, as people remain indoors). But when, specifically, during those months do people visit gambling venues the most?
Netflix shows have always been popular, and they often keep us captivated for weeks on end. In the past few months, there was one show that created some buzz online: The Queen's Gambit.
Online poker is often described as fun, exciting, and unexpected. But have you ever thought about it as inspirational?
Over the years, poker players and some of the best poker sites made headlines on dozens of occasions. In some cases, the stories covered adverse topics like cheating scandals and similar subjects.
Rivalries in poker aren't all that rare. Over the years, some of the best online poker players have taken part in grudge matches, not unlike the one Negreanu and Polk have recently been a part of.
Many things can influence your poker play: political changes, the weather, and even the positions of the stars. That's right - many people believe that astrology can tell us a lot about a person – and his ability to play poker online.
In recent years, the name Daniel Negreanu was associated with multiple poker events and scandals. This poker pro acts both as an offline and online poker player, and he managed to make some noise on both platforms.
Getting your poker play to a professional level requires a lot of patience and persistence, but it also requires that you know when to quit. Not every poker session will go your way, and not every hand will bring in the big bucks.
One of the biggest poker news stories of the twenty-first century took place far from any poker table or casino or online poker site. This gigantic poker news story was the release of the great Lady Gaga song “Poker Face,” an event that took the poker world, the music world — in fact the whole entire world — by a storm as it introduced poker customs and poker lingo into the top echelon of contemporary popular culture.
Players will often do everything that's in their power to get a straight flush, or any strong hand, and win at poker. They are willing to practice for hours on end, learn all about the game, and try every available method to increase their wins.
In the past, we've talked about which strategy you should employ when you're in an early position, the blinds, and other scenarios. But before you can even think about using all those tips to your advantage, you have to understand the lingo first.
As a game that’s suave, sophisticated, timeless and downright fascinating, it goes without saying that poker has been the theme of many cinematic masterpieces. Of course, these films have done much to add to the popularity of online poker! We take a look at some of the top-rated movies on IMDB where poker comes into play.
When you play poker for real money, you have to decide what is the minimum sum you are ready to part with at the start of every game. Do you want to keep the risk levels as low as possible? Or do you want to push your luck and place larger bets?
In movies, poker and other table games are often portrayed as fast-paced matches, filled with action where players win millions of dollars left and right. But in real life, online and mobile poker look completely different.
People who are new to online poker have a lot to consider when developing their own gambling style. They need to learn about all the different types of poker and develop a winning strategy that will allow them to conquer the game.
Making a career out of playing poker requires a lot of dedication. You must practice as much as you can and play poker online or offline (if possible) to build your reputation, hone your skills, and create useful connections.
Developing a sturdy and unwavering poker strategy is a good way to ensure your success. But is it the only way to win online poker games? Or is there a different way for you to win more often while enjoying poker bonuses?
In general, there are two types of poker players. Some players enjoy the attention when they win a game, and some prefer to stay out of the limelight. The latter group often consists of players who choose a pseudonym when they place bets and make the most of poker promotions.
In recent months, the poker industry has gone through some major changes. Online venues and poker download options became the norm for fans of the game, while land-based poker rooms closed down.
While poker is considered a game of skill, various elements of luck are still involved in poker games. It doesn't matter how good you are at playing the game - you still need some good fortune to get the right cards and create a winning hand.
Hope is an inseparable part of playing mobile poker. When the flop comes around, we all wish for the community cards to help us create a winning combination. But alas, that is rarely the case.
Under normal circumstances, online poker is a game that attracts more attention during the winter months. And as people are required to remain home much more this year, that is truer than ever.
In most cases, believing in yourself and your abilities is a good thing. A high sense of self-worth can take you far in life, but when you play poker online – confidence can easily turn into overconfidence.
You're sitting at a poker table. You get your hole cards, and you wait for the flop to determine the fate of your hand. Is there anything more exciting and nerve-wracking than that?
Poker is a fun game. There is no questioning that. But even though we might want to play 24/7, 365 days a year, we don't always have the privilege to do so.
While each poker player has his own betting style and strategy, we all have one thing in common: the desire to get the highest-ranking hand as often as possible.
Winning cash prizes is a high priority for every poker player, whether a recreational one or aspiring pro.
Anyone who likes to play poker online or offline, knows that your position at the table has a major influence on your betting strategies. That becomes even clearer when you have to deal with blind stealing at the best poker sites.
Who doesn't dream of having the perfect hand when playing online poker? It doesn't matter whether you're risking your own money or using a poker welcome bonus. Either way, people always hope they will be able to win.
Playing poker can teach you a lot of useful skills, some of which you can come in handy from time to time. When you play the game, you can learn all about dedication, attention to details, thinking ahead, and more.
In poker, there are different ways to describe the players. Some are called sharks, others are fishes, and from time to time, you'll encounter a sticky player as well. Who are those sticky players? And how should poker pros handle them? This is what we're here to answer.
In the past few months, multiple scandals plagued the poker online community. And while the news was shocking, people weren’t surprised, as it’s not the first time something like this has happened.
How much thought goes into placing a bet in poker? How thoroughly do you analyze every scenario as you enjoy your poker no deposit bonuses?
During the summer months, many industries flourish and thrive. But can the same be said about online and mobile poker?
When you play online poker, you might join in on the chat side of games. The best online poker should be a healthy combination of competition and anonymous camaraderie. Unfortunately, poker players also like to demean other players. Maybe it’s just human nature.
There is a popular misconception about some sports and games: the sports and games that don’t require giant muscles and massive bodies are not physically exacting. Poker is one such game as are chess, bowling, golf, and several others.
While online poker rules are rather straightforward, the game itself is more complex than you might think.
Samsung just revealed the Galaxy S20 smartphones: their features, and what they will look like, and one thing is clear: the new developments in technology are mind-blowing. Who would have thought that only a couple of decades ago, people had no idea how easy it will be to communicate with one another? And that mobile poker was practically a faraway dream, seemingly unreachable?
Music is everywhere. You hear it when watching TV, going to a restaurant, riding an elevator, and yes – even when you enjoy online poker bonuses.
Online poker is a game that involves a lot of skill and technique. That’s a fact. But sometimes, when you want to make the most of poker no deposit bonuses, poker knowledge is not enough. In some cases, you will need to rely on instincts to win big.
People are creatures of habit. If something works for you the first time, there’s no reason to change your behavioural patterns in similar events, isn’t that right? Wrong! When it comes to online and mobile poker, changing things up is a key element if you want to succeed.
Every poker enthusiast knows that a lot of effort goes into becoming the best online poker player that ever existed. Apart from learning the ins and outs of the game, you have to work on your mental abilities to excel at online poker.
When learning how to master the game of poker and how to maximize the benefits of poker no deposit bonuses, most players focus on developing pre-flop techniques. However, learning different strategies for the post-flop stage of the game is just as important.
When being introduced to online poker, serious players prefer to take things slowly. Smaller bets, less competitive opponents, and a more relaxed environment are important when you learn to play poker online for the first time.
How much thought have you put into picking out your nickname when joining an online poker venue? Probably not much. While we’re taught that first impressions are important when you meet someone face to face, we often fail to follow the same social rules when we play poker online.
As poker players are now forced to stay indoors, online poker venues have seen a dramatic spike in new members and revenue alike. But is this only a temporary solution to the current problem? Or will the future of poker bonuses change forever?
Warming up before participating in sports is a common occurrence, as it helps us remain focused. But have you ever thought about going through the same ritual before playing mobile poker games?
We all dream of becoming the best online poker player that ever lived. But achieving that grandiose goal is not easy whatsoever. The main problem, which beginners in the field often face, is the fact they don’t know where to start their journey!
Everyone will agree that online poker can be fun, exciting, and unpredictable. But did you know that it can also serve as a stress reliever?
Once upon a time, online poker players were predominantly male. However, times are changing, and women are beginning to get more involved in online gambling, as they play poker online more than ever before.
The seasoned poker player learns early on how to use every situation to his - or hers - advantage. Blockers are the most useful, yet unpredictable, ways for you to make the most of poker no deposit bonuses.
Many players who fall under the spell of online poker find the game surprisingly irresistible. They can play for hours and hours on end, but is that the right thing to do?
Every poker player has heard of the term multi-tabling, a concept that sounds extremely appealing to those who play poker online recreationally and professionally. But while multi-tabling might appeal to some, there are different pros and cons you should take into account before you start placing bets.
Two things about Phil Hellmuth are undeniable. One is that he is a great poker player. Some people—and Phil is among them—think he is the greatest poker player in the world. Second is that he is a brat—the one and only Poker Brat. Put these two things together and you’ve got one fascinating human being.
When people play poker online, they often have one goal in mind: to become good enough of a player to beat the strongest competitors out there. While learning new skills like bluffing can prove to be useful, you also have to take the time to analyze your play to get better at online poker.
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., is well known as the Poker Capital of the world. It is, after all, the home of the World Series of Poker. It is also the home of many outstanding casinos with fine poker rooms and the home of thousands of poker-loving Las Vegans who play poker online whenever they are not playing poker in the casinos. But now, with the debut of the Las Vegas Raiders just around the corner, people are starting to appreciate Las Vegas as a professional sports town too.
Sitting down to a game of video poker is always a treat. Regardless of the variation that you find to be the best online poker option for you, playing poker on a video screen is easy, fun and suitable for everyone. There’s none of the intimidation that you encounter when you play poker in a brick-and-mortar casino.
As one of the most popular casino games in the world, poker has been discussed at length in the media. TV shows, movies, and even books featured poker on multiple occasions, but it is often portrayed incorrectly – especially when it comes to the nature of poker no deposit bonuses.
When discussing the effects online poker has on society, articles mostly focus on the negative side of things, talking about problem gamblers. However, the positive impact online poker bonuses have on our lives is not being discussed as much, even though there is a lot to say.
The World Series of Poker is a series of poker tournaments that takes place in Las Vegas every summer. It features the best poker players in the world playing in tournaments that feature a wide variety of poker variations and a wide range of buy-ins and prize pools. The winner of each tournament in the series receives a gold World Series of Poker bracelet, the most prestigious accessory in the whole wide world of poker.
There is a lot more to poker than meets the eye—literally! This is one of many advantages you get when you play poker online. So, we suggest you take your poker no deposit bonus, sit back, and learn as much as you can about the joys of online poker.
You’ve signed up at Everygame Poker and have a hefty bankroll to splash out on the cash games. You have read all the best online poker books, practiced ad nauseum on the poker trainer apps and have all the jargon down pat.
The World Poker Tour is a series of high-stakes poker tournaments that bring the world’s top poker players to venues around the world to compete for big cash prizes and the prestigious WPT Champions Cup.
If you feel that you’ve mastered the mobile poker games and you’re ready to move to a new level, perhaps you want to consider playing poker for a living?
You’ve been playing online poker for a while - and doing well - until something has changed. It doesn’t matter that you do everything right and that you get decent hands – it seems you can’t win.
Players often have a stellar experience when playing mobile poker, as the game is exciting and challenging without being too hard to comprehend.
Most people treat the game as a source of entertainment and little else, but turning poker into a career has some surprising benefits!
Every poker player, pros and recreational players alike, dreams of winning big cash prizes as they play poker online – no matter how farfetched this aspiration may be. That’s why people do their best to understand the game, all while they use poker no deposit bonuses to boost wins regularly.
The internet has been filled with talk about shared liquidity and how it can affect the gambling market in the US, and therefore, how it can influence the available poker bonuses.
Who doesn’t like to hear scandalous and intriguing tales, especially when they are all about gambling? To celebrate the ending of another great year, we’ve gathered some of the best online poker stories that took place in 2019.
Playing mobile poker is super satisfying and immersive. With a full gamut of games available 24/7, 365, accessing the alluring world of poker is as easy as launching your web browser or poker app and wagering away…
Is “results-oriented thinking” the best way to function in the real world of business? An expert in the world of play poker online weighs in, using his experience as a poker pro to provide guidance and practical advice.
When you visit Vegas, it’s almost certain that at least some of the time, you’ll be playing poker. Poker is one of the most popular casino games in both land-based and online casinos throughout the world. Pros and amateurs enjoy the challenge that the combination of skill and luck demand.
New Jersey has become the Nevada of the East in online casino entertainment to NJ residents and visitors. In fact, in many ways, New Jersey has eclipsed Nevada. Now other states are analyzing New Jersey’s policies and actions in order to open up their own successful online poker and additional online betting operations.
Amateur and professional poker players throw around seemingly unrelated terms as part of their “club”. If you’re interested in being seen as a real player, you should know about some of these terms used by land-based and online poker players that refer to poker bonuses, varying card hands, types of chips, opponents’ habits and more.
Spend enough time playing mobile poker and you too could be deep in the money. These days poker is a multi million dollar business - for the players, the sponsors and the fellas who organise the legions of live and online poker tournaments worldwide.
When you play poker online at the best poker sites there is always a little something-something to bounce up the bankroll. It may be a freeroll with a sweet guaranteed prize pool or a reload bonus with a bit on the side - like a complementary tournament ticket or a wad of extra FPPS (Frequent Player Points).
For more years than we can remember poker was the exclusive domain of men. From the grizzled cowboys in the Wild West to the elegantly attired Englishmen with their bow ties and bowler hats, it was only the hirsute, hairy and testosterone fuelled members of the male gender who anted up pre-flop.
Poker bonuses are designed to give players a bit of extra financial heft. They can be great bankroll boosters provided you understand the T&Cs. The key factor when it comes to poker bonuses - or any other bonuses for that matter - is whether you can meet the bonus requirements within the allotted time.
Las Vegas is where the high rollers go for a dose of no limit Holdem. It is where poker evolved from fledgling casino game to OMG WSOP money spinner.
Aside from the cards and the unacclaimed status as poker incubator, Vegas offers an infinite array of the good stuff in terms of nightlife, entertainment and fabulously fine dining. It is after all Sin City where sinners gather in big gasping groups to be bad, real bad… coke snorting, head-butting b-a-d!
In the previous article, we tried a different tactic for bringing online poker to the widest possible audience. Poker bonuses are great and certainly have their place in attracting poker players to Everygame Poker. We found that getting down to the barest beginnings is another excellent way to reach new players.
We try various ways to teach our newer and more experienced players the finer points of poker. To our surprise, we also have some players who are so new to the game that they have to start at the beginning.
To some people, poker is just poker. That means that they don’t think about it a lot but they really like to play. These people are one distinct type of poker player. We’ll explain that type and many others in this article.
Successful poker players understand the odds. They also know the difference between a good and bad starting hand. The really excellent poker players like Daniel Negreanu, Erik Seidel and Justin Bonomo are magicians, mathematicians, game theorists and masters of the fine art of bluffing.
Bluffing is at the core of poker. This seems a bit odd since so many players now look at every poker hand in terms of poker math, ranges, and other esoteric modern analytical tools. But every hand may be a bluff! So, to repeat, bluffing is at the core of poker.
Poker is a perennially popular community card game that was born in the Wild Wild West and came of age at the WSOP. It is a game that has so many different layers you literally have to be a mathematician, game theorist, actor and intimidating enforcer to prevail.
There are many things we should do that are easier said than done. One of those things is avoiding tilt. Avoiding tilt is especially important to poker players and, as you will see in this article, it is also enormously important for everyone every day.
Using poker math is the modern method of choice for determining a player’s next move. In the past, players used their instincts and, as Ernest Hemingway said in the context of writing novels, they “put everything they know about people” into their decision.
Based on player numbers and tournament events, Omaha is one of the best online poker games on the planet. It has the buzz of Texas Hold’em but there is a two-card rule that’s the viper in the pack.
The game of poker has traditionally been dominated by men, but that doesn’t mean women can’t play poker. In fact, women have proven that they can play both land-based poker and online poker at the highest levels. And the best women poker players, along with other women who have contributed in some special way to this amazing card game, are honored in the Women in Poker Hall of Fame.
Poker is one of the hardest games of skill to master. It is quite ironic, then, to realize that in order to become skilled at poker we need to also learn how to avoid and prevent bad luck. This insight is especially important for new online poker players. But what does luck have to do with it? Isn't poker a game of skill? Well, let's see.....
Nathan Williams is a poker player who parlayed great skill at super-low stakes poker into a blogging business through which he makes a comfortable living. Here is his story and a few tips for playing low stakes poker.
There are two mercurial personalities that we all would like to emulate: the great poker players who see possibility where few others cab see it and the entrepreneurs who also see possibility where few others see it.
The term leverage became widely used in the last two decades, usually in a business sense. It usually means borrowing money to make an investment. The assumption is always that the investment will be worth more than the cost of the loan. In poker, leverage is different since you can’t borrow money. It means using every possible advantage you might have to win a pot and set the stage for future wins.
July 11, 2019, will be forever remembered as a milestone in the history of computer science and, even more so, as a milestone in the history of the game of poker. This was the day that Pluribus—an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program that could consistently defeat top poker professionals in six-player Texas Hold’em—was revealed to the world.
There are some striking similarities between poker and sports betting. Since Everygame runs both a sportsbook and a poker room, we felt it appropriate to discuss these interesting similarities.
We are about to see the flop. We have covered most of the nuances of pre-flop betting and the far more common folding. Now, we have stayed in the hand and we will see the flop. It’s time to begin the long march through poker math.
If you answered this question by how much money they make, you would be mistaken. Sure, the very top pros can bring in millions every year but they are the very top of the professional pyramid. Being a poker pro means that you make a living—and often a very good living—playing poker.
Beginning poker players need to learn many aspects of the game before they can master any of them. In this second installment in our series of tutorials for beginning players, we will go a bit further in analyzing the efficacy or lack thereof of pre-flop bets.
There is so much information about poker online. However, most of the information is for players who are at least no longer beginners. We, at Everygame Poker, decided to run an ongoing tutorial geared directly at new players. So sign up, grab your poker bonus and let's get going.
Learning all about poker strategies can certainly help you become a good player, but if your goal is to become the best online poker player you could be – you should consider joining a tournament or two.
When you play online poker, it takes quite some time to hone your skills and perfect your strategies. So does it mean that you won’t be able to win at poker till you get a handle on all the poker hacks? It certainly does not!
According to poker rules, the highest cards in the deck are worth more than low-value cards. Therefore, logically speaking, if you get a combination of two high cards – your chances to win are high. Or are they?
Out of all the card games available at online gambling venues, poker is one of the most sought out games you can find. The game’s popularity derives from the fact that all types of people can gain from playing poker.
Online poker is all about anticipating the unexpected and knowing how to deal with those types of situations. One such situation you can encounter is when you think you have a winning hand - until the turn or the river prove you otherwise.
Online poker can be quite overwhelming, especially if you try to turn the game into a profession. An entire array of emotions is involved in every game and Everygame poker tournament you play: from elation to defeat, from excitement to dread.
It’s a modern day retelling of a timeless classic. The setting: a high-stakes televised poker tournament. The Poker Beauty: Sara Chafak, also known as Miss Finland. The Poker Beast: Ronnie Bardah. The result (spoiler alert): Beauty tames the Beast.
Online poker is a multifaceted game, where different tactics can be used to win. One of the most underrated, yet successful, techniques every poker player should be familiar with is folding. Yes, folding!
All-In. The two most exciting words you can hear in a poker tournament. It means somebody is betting everything he’s got—every single chip—and at that point there are only two things that can happen. One of them is good and one of them is bad.
Millions of people all around the world play poker day in, day out. Some prefer to attend live games at land-based venues, while others are fonder of playing poker online.
If you’ve only experienced one of the two options, you’re probably wondering: what is the difference between online and live poker? After all, both of them feature the same game, the same rules, and they are both enjoyable.
Playing poker can be quite an intense experience. Whether you choose to play poker online or visit a land-based gambling venue, you will need a lot more than a solid strategy and lots of practice hours to start winning.
When you play poker online, you are bound to meet different types of players. Knowing what kind of player you are and what to expect from your opponents is crucial when you plan your gaming strategy.
The Everygame online poker room gives you lots of choices. When you enter the poker room lobby, you will be offered a choice of poker games: Texas Hold’em, Omaha, Omaha HiLo, or Telesina. You will be offered a choice of playing formats: Ring Games, Tournaments, or Sit-and-Go.
To master the art of playing poker, you have to acquire a certain skill-set. Apart from learning how to observe and analyse your opponent’s behaviour, you should also become an expert at bluffing.
Playing poker is not only about having the right strategy. Although understanding how the game works and how you can influence the outcome of the game is crucial, there are additional factors that can affect your success rates.
It is no secret that your position has a great impact on your winning odds when you play any style of poker, which is why that is considered as old poker news.
There are only two ways to win at poker. One is to have the best hand. That is a wonderful thing indeed, but it is something that you have no control over. It is determined by the random deal of the cards in the casino or the online poker room, and it does not happen often. In fact, at a six-player table, it is unlikely to happen more than 17 percent of the time.
“You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em.” That’s the online poker player’s mantra, adopted from the classic song “The Gambler.” You surely know the song and maybe you’ve heard it a million times, but there is still more that you might not yet know about “The Gambler.” So let us now take a deep dive into who wrote the song, who sang it, and what it all means.
Imagine a gambling scenario like this: If you win, you win real money. If you lose, you lose … nothing at all. Sounds like paradise, right? Perhaps it even sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. It actually happens every day in online poker freerolls.
The Poker Hall of Fame is where the poker world honors its heroes. The honored heroes (and a few honored heroines as well) include the greatest land-based and online poker players in history along with others who have contributed to the growth and development of the game. If you love the wonderful game of poker you will surely be inspired by the legendary figures enshrined in the Poker Hall of Fame.
Rebuys and Add-Ons are two of the most under-appreciated and yet vitally important weapons in any poker player’s arsenal. If you want to succeed in online poker tournaments, it is crucial that you understand what Rebuys and Add-Ons are, how they work, and when you should use them.
A Sit-and-Go Tournament, also known as a Sit-N-Go, is a special kind of poker tournament that has no scheduled starting time. Instead of a starting time, the tournament begins as soon as the specified number of players are sitting at the table and ready to go.
Cash games, also known as ring games, are the original—and, in some respects, the purest—way of playing poker. When friends get together to play poker around the kitchen table or at the local tavern or social club, they almost invariably play cash games. And while poker tournaments have been getting the most publicity thanks to big televised poker extravaganzas, there are always excellent poker cash games available at both brick-and-mortar casinos and at online poker sites.
A poker tournament is a type of poker competition in which the players start off with an equal number of “chips” and compete for prizes that are awarded to the top finishers at the end of the tournament. The most famous poker tournament is the World Series of Poker but there are plenty of other poker tournaments—including online poker tournaments—available to players at every skill level and every bankroll level. So now let’s take a closer look at what exactly is a poker tournament and how you can play in one.
Learning how to play poker requires some effort, but it’s worth it. Millions of people think poker is the greatest game on earth, combining elements of luck, strategy, mathematics, psychology, logic, intuition, suspense, and excitement. We, at Everygame Poker, agree and offer this guide to how to play poker so you, too, can join in and experience the poker fun.
Telesina, also known as Teresina, is an Italian version of 5-card stud. It is a very popular poker variation in Italy but is not so well known in the rest of the world, which is a shame, because it is an interesting and very exciting poker game. Fortunately, Telesina is available for online poker play at Everygame Poker. Here is a step-by-step guide to how to play Telesina Poker.
Every poker player is looking for an extra edge. One excellent way to improve your online poker playing is to see your poker game as if it were the opposite of a negotiation. At one time, businesspeople saw negotiations as zero-sum activities in which one side won and the other side lost. Today, negotiations are seen as win-win situations in which both sides get at least some parts of what they wanted. Not so in poker where we're going for the zero-sum outcome.
“Dogs Playing Poker” is among the most well-known paintings in the world, as easily recognizable by the average citizen—and certainly by the average poker player—as the Mona Lisa. And yet there is much about “Dogs Playing Poker” that is either unknown, under-appreciated, or misunderstood.
It seems that the Americans have an amazing talent for complicating the simplest things. This time, it’s about online poker.
Omaha Poker is an exciting strategy-based community-card poker game. It is a little bit complicated, but nevertheless easy to learn if you just relax and take it easy and follow this step-by-step guide through the various stages of the game.
Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker game in the world. It is played in the World Series of Poker and in brick-and-mortar casinos and online poker casinos around the world. Many newcomers, however, are intimidated by Texas Hold’em. With its esoteric vocabulary and its multiple betting rounds, it seems “difficult.”
All poker players need to learn to detect and avoid traps. However, there are two types of traps; gameplay traps for which the above advice is sound and personal traps which are harder to see and avoid.
One thing that most tutorials reiterate often is to play tighter when you're in early position and more aggressively when you're in late position. This is sound advice for the most part but it also seems to contradict the advice to stay unpredictable in your betting.
During the game, we have to concentrate to the limit of our ability. After the game, we're wired so relaxation and unwinding are vitally important.
Possibly the hardest aspect of poker is deciding whether an opponent is betting with a real hand or is bluffing. This dilemma faces every poker player and it changes from street to street. To become expert in determining the real intent of an opponent’s bet takes time and practice.
It Takes Thousands of Hands to Achieve Poker Excellence
Calculating pot odds and implied odds are the mirror image of knowing the number of outs you have.
Learning how to play poker requires some effort, but it’s worth it. Millions of people think poker is the greatest game on earth, combining elements of luck, strategy, mathematics, psychology, logic, intuition, suspense, and excitement. We, at Everygame Poker, agree and offer this guide to how to play poker so you, too, can join in and experience the poker fun.
New players, especially, need to understand the importance of position in evaluating their hands. The same hand in early position might be a lot less valuable than in late position. Position changes with every hand as well.
Inexperienced Poker Players Often Value their Aces Poorly
The ace is the best card in the deck but it is often not the best card in a hand. Players need to learn to value their aces correctly. One way is to study the nuances of the game such as opponents’ betting history as a supplement to betting high with good cards.
The Importance of Learning Not to Telegraph Your Inexperience
Online poker players need a different sort of antennae for detecting tells. New and inexperienced players need to be careful to demonstrate calm and determination as opposed to hastiness and lack of clear direction.
Learn to Think Like a Poker Player
Poker is perhaps the most challenging game because, at the same time, we have to be both straightforward in our thinking and to think deeply about information we don’t actually have. When we play poker, we learn just how hard “thinking” can be.
There is a very interesting analogy between learning poker and learning to drive. At first, we don't know what we're doing and we look at everything around us. As we get better, we look at only those things we need to look at.
A Professional poker player has behavioral characteristics that set them apart from recreational players, even pro poker amateur players.
Many poker players place too much emphasis on big hands. They think that big hands bring big wins. They might, but often they don't. Small gains and small lessons are much better as winning measures and as learning tools. Develop the skills to evolve as a poker player.
There is a lot of great poker that you can watch on the internet. We also offer great poker action at Everygame. You can learn a lot from watching poker. We feel that the experience you get figuring out hands by playing online is an even better learning experience.
The second Responsible Gambling Conference recently took place. Casino operators are always looking to keep their gamers well within the limits of safe gambling as opposed to problem gambling. Poker player have a unique set of symptoms that point to possible problem gambling.
We all love poker both online and at land based casinos. We look to improve all the time as well. One advice we hear a lot is play tight. Another advice we hear a lot is be aggressive. How can we tell when it's time to play tight and when it's time to be aggressive?
Poker is a game of surmises since our opponents; cards are hidden. One way to surmise a hand is by determining the odds of winning the hand. This is based on the strength of the player's hand and his or her imagination as to what he opponents might have.
Great poker players are made by hard work and a lot of practice. Playing online is a great way to play many hands and to learn something from each one. By playing online, you make yourself better for the inevitable live game at a casino or poker room.
Ever since amateur Chris Moneymaker won the Main Event at the World Series of Poker in 2003, thousands of amateurs have set their sights on becoming poker pros. Heavyweight boxing champ David Haye is trying his hand at poker. He is using poker coaches.
Some internet poker sites have made contractual agreements with land based casinos in the United States to run those casinos' online poker rooms. This does not mean that all other online poker rooms are unsafe. Everygame is 100% safe in every way.
We all relate to winners. When casino gamers look at the news, we often see a lot about poker - news about tournaments and news about the political side of gambling in general. We would like to see more about talented poker players just starting to become well-known.
Hello and welcome to the exciting world of poker! We’re glad you have decided to join millions of fans around the world, but we are just wondering what took you so long?!
Even though Texas Hold’Em is still the most popular Poker game around, Omaha is gaining popularity fast and could potentially claim the title in the not-too-distant future.
If you’re a poker fan, you must have read about successful world-famous players, and maybe even watched them in action via televised events or indeed live, and thought: “Perhaps one day this will be me?”
There’s no doubt that tournaments are the reason many of today’s poker players became interested in the game.
There is no general agreement as to how this hugely popular casino game came into existence. The further back we try to trace it, the most difficult it gets, mainly due to a lack of written records.
Get ready for another trip to Austria! Along with the “Milli Maker” WSOP satellites we are running, Everygame is also getting geared up for the aftermath of the World Series!