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What's your poker plan for 2022?

For many of us, January means a new beginning. A fresh start. As we tear the last page of the 2021 calendar, we greet the new year with enthusiasm, as we hope the next 12 months will be much better – both in real life and as we play poker online.

Feeling hopeful often leads us to set goals for the next year: work goals, personal goals, and of course – poker goals. But while we often set New Year's resolutions with fervor, not many can stick to them in the long run. So, how do you choose which resolutions you should commit to? The short answer is - pick out realistic resolutions.

There is nothing wrong with thinking big. But if you pick a goal that you know you can't achieve, it will only foul your mood and discourage you from completing your other goals.

To help you set your goals for 2022, we've come up with a list of poker-related resolutions that might apply to you!

New Year's Poker Resolutions for 2022

  1. Play and practice regularly – To get better at poker, you have to play the game as much as possible. But when you have a busy schedule, finding an open time slot for poker practice isn't easy. But this year, you can dedicate a few hours every week, or every month, to play poker – online or offline. Your dedication will pay off big time in the long run!
  2. Learn from the experts – Learning the ins and outs of the game on your own is definitely possible, but it can be so much easier with the guidance of an experienced pro. This year, you might want to consider signing up for an online poker course run by some of the largest icons in the industry.
  3. Join a tournament – Many poker players often dream of joining a tournament, but they are afraid of the challenge. Yes, playing in a tournament requires a different set of skills - and it can be time-consuming. But you can't emulate the atmosphere at the tables as you play against the best of the best. Take the time to practice and join a tournament this year!
  4. Join a poker community – One of the best things about poker is that it is a social game. There are plenty of poker communities you can join to learn, get support, and communicate with people who have a similar mindset!
  5. Keep track of your games – One of the best ways to learn and get better at poker is to look back at your poker sessions, take note of your mistakes and strengths, learning from every move. Committing to keeping track of every session is not easy, but it sure can be productive.
  6. Learn a new poker format – Have you been sticking to your comfort zone for a while? It is time to spend your horizons! Learning a new poker variant can be fun, so maybe this is the challenge you've been looking for.

How to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions

Now that you've chosen your goals for the upcoming year, you need to make sure you'll be able to stick with them until you achieve most goals. In an article posted on Psychology Today, Professor Steven C. Hayes gave a few tips you might find useful: first of all, he recommends setting a S.M.A.R.T goal.

That means your goal has to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-focused, and Time-bound. For example, you can decide to take a few lessons by May, or you can dedicate 30 minutes twice a week to playing poker.

But before you commit to your resolution, ask yourself: am I sure I can achieve this goal? Rate your confidence on a 1 to 10 scale. If the score you give yourself is lower than 7, you should reconsider the goals you've picked.

Also, Professor Hayes encourages people to leave room for mistakes. Being imperfect is a part of the process, and even if you fail to stick to your goals from time to time, that doesn't mean it's the end of the world! You have an entire year to get back on track and work on any issues you might have, so don't get discouraged.

And lastly, you should focus on your effort. Give yourself credit where credit's due, and use every small victory as fuel that will keep you going!

Happy New Year!

Are you ready for the new year? We sure hope it will be less stressful and more enjoyable than the past one!