Poker Articles!

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The type of people that congregate at the poker tables is always diverse. Players of all ages, ethnicities, and genders meet online to enjoy a good poker session. And understandably, each of those players has a different level of experience when it comes to poker.

Not every player who completes the poker login process is an undeniable pro. Many people you'll meet at online casinos have no experience whatsoever.

Now, the main question is: who do you prefer to face as you place your bets online? Is it better to compete against a successful poker pro? Or can you win more cash while facing off against a newbie?

At first glance, it might seem you're better off playing against a complete novice. After all, professional players are hard to beat. They know all about bluffing and predicting your next moves, while new players haven't been able to develop those skills yet.

But in reality, going head-to-head with a rookie player can be tough. New players often play aggressively and erratically, not following any tactics or strategies you're familiar with. That means that those players are harder to read, and they can lure you into placing a lot of money on the line when you should have folded.

Before your next poker session begins, you should learn to deal with newbies and pro players. That way, you might be able to increase your chances of winning!

How to Deal with Poker Pros

  1. Take the time to assess their moves – Experience players have had years to hone their skills, and they often stick to familiar gambling patterns. You'll soon discover that they play the same range of hands, which will allow you to think of a good strategy to beat them. During your first few hands, place small bets. You should test different betting strategies to see how your opponent reacts. Does he fold quickly? Is he an aggressive or passive player? Learning all those details can help you outshine many pros.
  2. Don't let them rope you into dangerous situations – Poker pros are good at setting traps, encouraging you to stay in the game, and placing bigger bets even when you should fold. You should avoid those traps at all costs! Stick to your budget at all times and make sure you have a decent chance of winning before you add more money to the pot.
  3. Learn from their moves – Playing against experienced players can provide you with an amazing opportunity to get better at poker. After you complete each round, take a minute to think about what happened at the table. Make sure to write down any good moves you've learned and use them the next time you play!

How to Beat a Poker Newbie

  1. Understand what type of player they are – New players are unpredictable. Period. They can switch tactics mid-game, not following any logical strategies, which makes it harder to guess the true value of their hand. So, you should try to understand what kind of player is before you. Use the first few rounds to understand whether your opponent is reckless, playing loosely and aggressively, without folding even if his hand is bad. On the other hand, you can face a highly tight player who's afraid of everything, and he folds in most cases.
  2. Forget about bluffing and only play strong hands – When you play against a pro, you can use some powerful tools to tip the odds in your favor – like bluffing and so on. But when you're competing against an unpredictable player, those strategies won't work. The only thing you can do is play high-valued hands only, being careful and patient in the face of uncertainty.
  3. Don't go too hard on them – When you're playing against a rookie player, you should have two goals in mind: first of all, you should strive to win some cash. But you also don't want to scare the newbie away! If you strip your opponent of all his cash straight off the bat, you probably won't see him again. That means he will be replaced by another unpredictable novice, and you will have to start the entire process of getting to know him from scratch.

In Conclusion

Who do you prefer to meet at the table, a newbie or a pro? Either way, now you have a chance of getting the upper hand in every situation!