Poker Articles!

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Developing a sturdy and unwavering poker strategy is a good way to ensure your success. But is it the only way to win online poker games? Or is there a different way for you to win more often while enjoying poker bonuses?

Apparently, being overly strategic when playing poker is a real thing, and many pros sometimes choose to make random decisions throughout the game. That's right - unplanned moves might be your saving grace in a tough game of poker.

Now is your chance to learn about the place of randomness in poker and how you can utilize this playing style to boost your wins!

Why Poker Players Make Randomized Choices

  1. Confusing your opponents – When facing tough competitors, poker players often look for patterns. When do you tend to fold? What choices do you make under pressure? How often do you bluff? If you stick to the same strategy at all times, people will be able to predict your moves and beat you to the punch time and time again. But if you make a random decision every once in a while, especially when facing seasoned pros, your betting patterns might not be as obvious and easy to read.

  2. Following your gut feeling – Sometimes, your brain and your gut feeling will be at odds. In certain situations, what seems like a textbook move will feel wrong, and this is where you need to decide: do I listen to my instincts? Or should I stick to well-known moves and patterns? If you are an experienced player, your subconscious might pick up on some clues and tidbits of information your brain hasn't processed yet. Therefore, making a seemingly random decision based on your gut feeling might turn out to be the smartest – and most educated – option.

  3. Giving you a chance to test the grounds – When facing skilled opponents, profiling them, and understanding their tactics is important if you want to outsmart them. Making random decisions and making the other players face different scenarios will provide you with all the information you need to understand exactly what kind of player you're facing. Whether they are passive or aggressive, tight, or lose players – all of those details will come out as you force them to face different situations.

How to Use This Tool Wisely

So, when and how should you use randomization in poker? First of all, it is important you don't abuse this tool. If you make random decisions left and right, you will look unprofessional and scatter minded, which is never good. The best thing you can do is stick to your regular strategy 75% of the time and throw in some random moves 25% of the time.

Another optional method focuses more on card suits. You look at the suit of the first card you get and make it the exception to the rule. That means you stick to your standard game plan – until another card with the same suit appears on the table.

If you're worried someone will catch on to you, change things up – alternate between the two randomizing tactics and have some fun.

In Conclusion

Making arbitrary choices when playing poker is not necessarily a sign of inexperience. In some cases, pro players make random moves to test the grounds and confuse the competition.

So, if you want to improve your poker play, you need to figure out when random moves are helpful and when they can be dangerous.