Poker Articles!

A chain and padlock on a computer keyboard.

Safety comes first. That's the motto of every legitimate online poker venue, Everygame Poker included.

Over the years, the internet proved to be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it provides you with countless opportunities to expand your horizons, making poker more accessible than ever. On the other hand, the web is also filled with scammers and fraudulent websites, so keeping your personal information is of the utmost importance.

That is why serious gambling venues use the most advanced online poker security measures, ensuring that you have a safe environment to place bets.

Security Measures Used by Online Poker Venues

Everygame, like most of the most prestigious online casinos in the world, uses multiple tools to keep your personal information as secure as possible:

  • 128-bit encryption – An encryption algorithm that uses a 128-bit key to encrypt or decrypt your data. It means that this key provides 2^128 possible number combinations, making it a difficult one to crack, even with modern computing powers. That is one of the most advanced encryption methods available today, which is why it is used for high-level security of sensitive data in online banking, e-commerce, and more.
  • SSL browser encryption – Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard technology used widely in most official websites. It encrypts data sent between a website and a browser or between two servers, preventing hackers from seeing any of the transferred information, including usernames, passwords, and any submitted forms with attached documents or images. So, if you see an icon of a padlock in the URL bar, you can rest assured that the casino you've joined is doing its best to keep your personal info safe.

Both of these encryption methods strive to guarantee you will be able to make money transactions and place bets without any risk, and overall, they are doing the trick. However, keeping your personal data safe from hackers is not the only thing online poker venues must take into account.

Online venues also need to protect your data from internal threats, whether from casino members who try to break into fellow players' accounts, cheaters, etc. To prevent any issues of that kind, online poker rooms often perform random reviews of players' log files, trying to determine whether any suspicious activity is taking place.

Moreover, the advancement of AI technology poses a threat in the form of AI bots that might try to infiltrate online poker rooms, requiring gambling venues to use multiple authentication processes to ensure that new members are indeed real people.

Place Your Bets in the Safest Way Possible!

If you've ever doubted whether casinos can keep you safe, we hope all your worries have been put to rest. Online casinos do their absolute best to provide you with the highest level of security, so you will always feel comfortable with placing bets and having a fun, relaxing experience.

From time to time, you might hear about online poker cheating scandals or security issues, but those are extremely rare, and online venues usually fix any problem quickly and efficiently.

Now that you know about the technology casinos use to protect your private information, we hope you don't have any qualms about playing poker online in the future! Are you ready to place some bets?